How to set up speed dial on Android

How to set up speed dial on Android

The modern phone has long ceased to be the usual means of communication. Now such a device can be a good substitute for a computer, tablet and even television. Any smartphone user can easily install the necessary application, run a video, take a photo and send a message in messenger. However, many people still use the phone for its intended purpose, that is, to make calls. It's not very convenient to dial a specific number all the time, so experienced subscribers prefer to hold a certain key to start a call. Let's understand in detail how to set up speed dial on Android, as well as get acquainted with some features.

What is speed dial

Speed dialing is a special option that first appeared on the handsets. It allows you to make a call to a specific caller by pressing a specific key. Beforehand, the desired number is written under the convenient dialing button, which is done differently depending on the smartphone model. After a little adjustment, a person only has to open the application responsible for making calls and hold his finger on a certain digit.

Use this function if you call someone several times a day. If calls are made infrequently, it makes no sense to add a number to the speed dial. It is worth noting that almost all modern programs designed for calls provide this feature.

How to add a number to speed dial on your Android phone

Depending on the phone model, the principle of adding a contact to the speed dial differs. However, the difference is usually noticeable in the appearance and the names of the tabs. As for the sequence of actions, it is difficult to notice significant differences.

Via the built-in "Phone"

Every smartphone has a pre-installed application that is responsible for making calls. It almost always has the ability to add a specific number to the speed dial. We suggest looking at the general instructions, which are suitable for most modern devices:

  1. Open the program "Phone".
  2. Wait until a keyboard with numbers appears on the screen. Hold your finger on the desired number until an additional window appears.
  3. The system prompts you to assign a speed dial number to the selected button. Press the key "Yes" or "Ok".
  4. Select the desired number from the list of contacts, or from recently made calls.

How to add a number to speed dial on your Android phone

There is also another way to proceed. First, you must run the program through which calls are usually made. And then you have to follow a simple instruction:

  1. Open the additional menu by clicking on the icon in the form of three vertical bars.
  2. Go to "Advanced settings"or go straight to the tab "Speed dial". Again, it all depends on the installed firmware and Android version.

How to set up speed dial on Android

When the desired section is open, you can move on to setting up the set. The principle is simple and does not require a detailed explanation:

  1. Click on the icon "+"button under the selected button.
  2. Select the desired contact.

By the way, to unlink the number to a particular key, you need to hold it, and then in the window that appears choose "Delete".

How to set up speed dial on Android

Similar instructions are suitable for smartphones running Android 7, 8, 9, 10 and below. During the setting of the function, it is desirable to be careful and cautious so as not to accidentally mix up the numbers.

Through third-party applications

Quite often the built-in program responsible for making calls has very modest functionality. Then you can install a third-party application that has a more pleasant design and many useful tools. One of these is a utility Simpler, which was highly appreciated and a lot of positive reviews on Google Play. Let's install the program and then do the initial setup.

Contact manager
Contact manager
Developer: LSM Apps
Price: Free
  1. Open Play Market and search for "Simpler".
  2. Press the button "Install"and wait for the installation to complete.
  3. Launch the application and select "Start".
  4. Give the system access to contacts and the phonebook by clicking on the button in the window that appears "Allow".
  5. Log in with your Google or Facebook account. This is necessary to synchronize your data and restore it if you change your smartphone at a later date.

Contacts, dialing and phone in Simpler

Now you need to set up speed dial, which in this application is implemented as comfortably and conveniently as possible. The following guide will help you get it right:

  1. Go to the tab "Favorites".
  2. Press the button "Add".
  3. Select the contacts that you want to move to the main program screen. To do this, check the boxes next to the necessary numbers.

How to set up speed dial on Android

Now, when you start the application, you will see a list of your favorite contacts in front of you. To make a call, just click on the desired icon. You can also pay attention to the program True Phone, which is well proven among users. After installation, you need to perform a number of settings.

True Phone Phone, Contacts
True Phone Phone, Contacts
Developer: Hamster Beat
Price: Free
  1. Press the button "On."and provide the necessary permits.
  2. Do the same with the second item, allowing overlaying on top of the other windows.
  3. When all the settings are done, click on the button "Start".

True Phone Phone Contacts

After that, we get to the start window of the program, where you need to perform several actions:

  1. Hold your finger on the desired button, and then in the window that appears select "Yes".
  2. Mark the desired contact.
  3. It is also possible to go the other way: "Three points" → "Speed dial" → "The button you need".

How to set up speed dial on Android

You can find other applications on Google Play, but it is these programs that are the highest quality and most proven.

Video tutorial

Answers to popular questions

Q: How do I call a number that is added to speed dial?
Usually you have to hold your finger on the selected number, or go to the "Favorites" menu and click on a particular icon.

Q: How do I change the digit for calling a certain caller?
Follow this path: "Three Dots" → "Advanced Settings" → "Speed Dial" → "Keep your finger on the digit" → "Delete".

Question: How many numbers can I add to the speed dial?
A maximum of 9 numbers can be added at this time.

To summarize, let's note that setting up speed dial on your Android phone is something that every user can do. There is nothing difficult in this procedure, and if you follow the provided instructions, you can avoid many accidental mistakes.