Modern smartphones store a huge amount of necessary and important information, and each user customizes the phone individually. And so, when the owner of the Android device switches to a new device, he or she is faced with a situation where the operating system needs to be configured again. The ideal solution here is a deep or partial backup. But not everyone knows how to make a full backup of Android quickly and safely using your tablet or phone without losing important data.
How to make a backup of individual apps on Android
This tool is freely available for download from Google Play. It works on two "bases": either providing root rights and all shenanigans are conducted only on the smartphone, or USB cable connection and access to the PC if you do not have "Super User" mode.
The app allows you to save copies to SD card and cloud storage, namely Drobox, Google Drive and Box, which is very convenient.
She can:
- Back up the history of incoming and outgoing calls;
- Backup applications and their settings;
- Backup SMS and contacts.
The application works perfectly on recent versions of the operating system, mainly on Android 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0. And now let's look at what actions we will perform in it:
- Download and install the application on your phone. If you don't have root rights, repeat the procedure on your computer. Both Windows and Mac versions are available. You also need drivers for the PC. You can find them on the official website of the manufacturer of the connected smartphone.
- Now let's proceed to the actual backup operation. To do this, open the application on the device. If necessary, we connect via wire to the computer. We are offered several options: a full backup of the phone or only specific applications. Note that you can copy the entire program with the data or just the data.
- After all the checkboxes are checked, click "Backup".. We choose where to save it. If in the Cloud, then specify the address, if in the computer - open the service with the IP-address and transfer it to the search bar of the browser. There we allow copying. Done. Copies have been successfully created.
How to make a proper backup of the entire Android system
Backup via the system option (No Root)
The easiest and most comfortable option, suitable for beginners and just users who did not want to waste their time. Open "Settings.", go to the item "System." - "Backup"., in the location select Google Drive. Done. This information will be saved:
- Standard settings (language, time and date);
- Wi-Fi access points and passwords, if activated;
- Screen settings (wallpaper, themes, brightness);
- Applications (in most cases just a list, but not internal settings and achievements in games);
- Content located in Google Calendar;
- Materials stored in Gmail, individual mail settings.
Unfortunately, there can be failures in the backup process, so many users complain about the insufficient amount of saved information. And on some devices this system function refuses to work at all, this can affect phones with the operating system below Android 6.0.
Useful hint: periodically check if all necessary materials are safely backed up, so that, for example, after reflashing you won't find completely empty archives.
Backup Android with FlashTool (No Root)
This is already a more serious and heavy procedure, allowing the entire firmware to be backed up. There will be many steps and Users who are not confident in their abilities and technical knowledge, we do not recommend this option! But if you are an expert in Android "with experience", then you can safely proceed.
First, prepare all the necessary materials, so that in the process of backup we do not have to be distracted by them.
- Download the program itself from the official developer's website (;
- Find original firmwareYou can use a smartphone that's made just for your smartphone;
- If there are no MTK drivers on your computer, download them.
- Get access to the PC, because without it backup is impossible here, check the serviceability of the USB cable and serviceability of connectors.
- Next, we extract two files from the firmware, namely the name of the number with the resolution txt и weg_l.bin. These materials are moved to a separate, empty folder.
- We also put the folder where the software is stored there.
- Run the previously downloaded FlashTool program as an administrator, this is a prerequisite.
- A page opens on which you need to specify the path to scatter.txt with the help of the built-in normal conductor.
- A new screen should appear where the memory blocks are located. With them it is necessary to make a backup. To do this go to the "Memory Test" tab. Check the first five items.
- Turn off the phone, press on the computer "Start".
- Now connect your smartphone using USB.
- The information begins to be read and displayed on the screen. As soon as the process is finished, disconnect the device from the PC.
- Open "Notebook." and transfer the data to it. Note that empty sectors do not need to be copied. Save and close the notepad.
- Go back to the main FlashTool page and remove the check mark from the first item.
- Open the section "Readback" - "Add. A new line appears, on which we click twice.
- Specify where exactly to save the backup and come up with a name.
- A small menu appears, asking you to specify settings for each sector. Yes, yes, an individual memory block needs its own settings. Change only the "Length" column, into which we add block data from the saved notepad.
- Click "OK." and press the top button "Read Back.
- And the last final action: reconnect the phone and watch the copying process. At the end, you should see a green icon indicating that the operation is complete. Done! Now repeat the same steps with the remaining sectors.
When the backup is complete, the files can be moved to any cloud storage, because If any major mishap happens to your computer or hard drive - your stored information will be lost, don't take any chances!
Backup via Titanium Backup (Root)
Pretty light and comfortable option using Titanium Backup is a special program. You can download it without problems from Google Play and install it in the standard way.
Now start the application and give it access to root rights. Yes, "Super User" mode is mandatory hereand this is, in principle, the main disadvantage of this utility. Click on the check mark in the upper right corner, you will get to the page "Batch Actions." and choose which data you want to save. In front of the desired one, click "Start.".
How to make a backup of Android firmware through Recovery without root rights
Another decent option that works on all devices, but from experience I will say that it is much easier than the FlashTool method. For this we need to use the recovery mode. Of course, the most popular and most functional is TWRP, which allows you to install custom firmware, different kernels, but for The backup is fine with the stock version as well. Here we go:
- Make sure your smartphone is more than 60% charged.
- Turn the phone off, after about 30 seconds, press the power button and the volume knob down or up, different models differently.
- Next, the image of the Android robot with an exclamation mark may appear. If this happens - Press a similar key combination, but do not hold it down. Going straight to recovery? Then skip this point.
- Now we get to the recovery menu itself, only here the touch input does not work anymore. We will switch by keys: the volume knob, respectively, is a command "up.", the volume rocker - "down.", on/off button - "Okay.".
- Going down to the point "backup/restore.", click { "backup". The copying procedure begins, which takes up to 10 minutes on average. During this time, do not press anything, do not turn on the smartphone, just wait.
- When the operation ends, reboot the smartphone. That's it, it's done, the backup of the Android firmware is done.
How to back up Android IMEI
IMEI, as we know, is a unique identification number for a smartphone. And quite often there are situations when it is necessary to save this number, i.e. to make a backup. To do this we will use a special program called Root Explorer. It also requires root rights.
Open the application, use it to go to the root of the device, where the desired efs folder. Long press, after which an additional mini-menu appears, where you select "Create Archive" (archive resolution is at your discretion).
The resulting archive can be saved in cloud storage, transferred directly from the program to your computer or memory card. As you can see, it's quick and easy enough.
Backing up messengers
Messengers for the modern user - just a necessary thing that helps and with friends to communicate, and, for example, the boss to send a picture of the work. Let's take Watsap as an example. It stores a huge amount of necessary information: important messages, images, phone numbers. And the ideal way not to lose such materials is to make a backup. So how to do it on WhatsApp?
Backup by built-in option
All popular messengers have their own backup feature, allowing you to save the content you need directly from the application itself. WhatsApp is no exception.
Here we go:
- Find the application, open the menu;
- Click "Settings.", now go to the tab "Chats." and click on "Backup copy.".
- Choosing save to Google Drive and adjust the frequency of saving.
- If you have more than one Google account, select the one you want in the window that appears. Not yet registered or not yet logged in to your account? Then click "Add account".
- And in the last box, select the network in which the copying will take place. Don't forget that mobile Internet usage may result in additional charges for the megabytes consumed. Therefore, we recommend assigning a Wi-Fi network.
Backup using Super Backup
Super Backup is a special program for backing up individual applications, so it is also ideal for the first point of our article. You do not need root rights to save Watsap itself, but if you want to copy exactly its content - then you can't do without "Superuser" mode.
The scheme of working with this application is very simple: after installing, enter it, click "Applications.", check the box next to "WhatsApp" - "Save". You can find the backup you made, or, to be more precise, the path for saving it, under "Archived.".
Backup using Restore Transfer
Another worthy application created by the developer Trustlool Apps. Fully translated into Russian, the interface is simple and straightforward. In addition, There is a huge advantage for beginners and inexperienced users - root rights are not needed.
Immediately after launching the utility, we see a list of installed programs and games on the device. If you find our messenger, put a checkmark near it and click on the big gray button at the bottom "Backup".. If the backup procedure was successful, we get a notification with the word "Done.".
Video tutorial: Backup via TWRP
Answers to popular questions
Q: How to perform a backup on a tablet, is there any difference from the above tips?
No, if your tablet is running the Android operating system, everything is identical. There may be minor differences, but they are insignificant and are resolved during the backup itself.
Q: How do I save data from Viber?
This messenger supports its own personal backup function, just like Vatsap. Or you can use special applications. There is not much difference with WhatsApp.
Q: How do I restore a copy I made in Restore?
To do this, go to the application, open the section "Archive.", find the necessary materials, and after checking the box, click "Restore.".
Q: Is Super Backup free?
There are two versions of this tool: the basic one, which has a small but useful functionality, and the advanced premium one. The first version does not require any payment, but the second version will have to be paid for. Both versions are freely available on Google Play.
As you can see, on Android it is easy enough to make a backup, you can save firmware, messengers, applications, and always have the necessary information at hand. The most important thing is to be attentive and follow the instructions clearly. Good luck!