How to connect an endoscope camera to an Android phone

How to connect an endoscope camera to an Android phone

To make life easier for users, there are a huge variety of devices that perform a variety of functions. They are simple devices that provide maximum benefit to their owners. Such "assistants" today include endoscope cameras. Initially they could only be connected to computers and laptops, but today this opportunity has also appeared for owners of Android-based smartphones.

The gadget synchronization procedure is not particularly difficult. But questions that arise along the way require clear and accessible answers. Only knowing the peculiarities of the procedure, you can safely count on a positive result. Therefore, our experts are ready to help each reader, telling you how to connect the endoscope camera to Android phone, and answering the questions that arise along the way.

What is an endoscope?

Such a device as an endoscope is somewhat frightening to people who first heard the name. However, it has a lot of benefits for the owners of modern smartphones. Although this gadget can not be called a multifunctional, its main task it copes with excellent, and worthy analogues do not have.

The endoscope camera on Android is a tool in the form of a wire with a camera installed on one end. The main feature of this device is the freedom of movement, which the built-in cameras of smartphones and tablets do not provide. The endoscope is used separately from the mobile gadget, opening up much more possibilities for the user.

Types of cameras and purposes of use

Endoscopic cameras are used in many different situations. They are useful when the user needs to inspect a small area: the "insides" of individual devices, the contents of a container, etc. In general, such tools allow a close look at objects by displaying the image on the screen of a phone or tablet.

There are many varieties of endoscopes. However, for owners of modern gadgets, a simple classification will suffice:

  1. High quality endoscopic cameras. They are sold in a set with additional nozzles, connect to devices via Wi-Fi and have a corresponding cost.
  2. Standard models. Such variants are characterized by low expansion and build quality. And the connection to a smartphone or tablet in this case is made through a USB wire.

If the endoscope is needed in frequent cases, it makes sense to spend money on an expensive model, but in other situations will be sufficient for the budget version.

Endoscope connection options for Android smartphone

Endoscopic cameras also differ from each other in the way they are connected to gadgets. The cost of the instrument and its technical characteristics depend on this criterion. But the camera connection procedure in any case does not take much time.

So, it is possible to connect the endoscope to your Android phone using a USB wire, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Let's consider each of these options in more detail.


How to connect an endoscope camera to an Android phone

Modern smartphone manufacturers try to keep their products compact by equipping devices with ports Micro USB Type C instead of the usual MicroUSB. For this reason, to use third-party tools, you will need to procure OTG-adapter for the right connector.

Before you purchase the adapter, make sure that the On The Go technology is supported by the Android-based gadget to which the endoscope will be connected. This is done by reading the specifications of the device.

To connect the USB endoscope to the Android, you only need to insert the cables into the appropriate slots. Then you should wait for the automatic activation of the device or perform it manually. After these actions the camera can be used for its intended purpose.

If the endoscope does not connect to the smartphone, it indicates incompatibility of the devices, so it is better to replace the first one with a suitable model from the dealer.

By Wi-Fi

How to connect an endoscope camera to an Android phone

More advanced endoscopes connect to smartphones and tablets via a wireless network. In this case, you first need to tap power button on the instrument. At the same time the wireless network will start up. This is where you need to connect to on your smartphone:

  1. Slide the curtain down (open the Quick Access Toolbar).
  2. Go to Wi-Fi networks.
  3. Activate Wi-Fi and tap the network containing the name of the endoscope.
  4. Specify the password from the camera manual or enter digits in order from 1 to 8.

Then the standard camera will automatically open on your gadget, where the image transmitted from the external device will be displayed. If you wish, you can use third-party programs from the official Google Play app store.

Via Bluetooth

How to connect an endoscope camera to an Android phone

No less common variant of synchronization is similar to the previous method. Here you need to perform the following procedure to connect the endoscope to the Android:

  1. Activate Bluetooth on your smartphone.
  2. Go to the Bluetooth settings and click on the desired device (camera name) to pair.
  3. Confirm the action with the "Yes" button.

The next step is to use the endoscope. After these steps, you will need to go to the photo and video creation software and start using the device for its intended purpose.

Bluetooth technology consumes a lot of power, so it is recommended to charge your Android device to maximum before connecting the endoscope.

Using third-party applications

To help users, developers have long created several useful applications that make it easier to connect an endoscope and use it in the future. Our experts have identified the four best programs that can fulfill almost any user's request without creating unnecessary problems.

OTG View

OTG View
OTG View
Developer: Teamforce Tools
Price: Free

The most common Android endoscope app is compatible with most USB and Wi-Fi cameras. It allows you to capture images and control the device without any special skills.

After the steps described above, you should open the program and wait for the image from the external camera to appear on the screen. You can use it to create videos and photos, as well as to mirror and rotate the picture.

Special mention should be made of the built-in utility settings. Their list includes video mode and watermark display parameters. They will certainly be necessary for the user who has at least a little understanding of the endoscope control.


Developer: 李文志
Price: Free

A very good application is also designed exclusively for use with the endoscopic camera. It does not differ much from the previous program and performs the same functions.

As in the previous case, you first need to connect your device to your Android gadget. To access the image on your smartphone or tablet, you will need to run the utility and wait for it to load. After that the user has access to the functions of creating photos and recording videos, saving these files to the memory of the device, rotating and mirroring the picture.

The only difference from the OTG View is the lack of a separate menu. And the only thing the user can change manually is the capture area when taking a photo or video.

The AN98 application is firmly in second place after the OTG View, so it is only appropriate to use it if the OTG View is incompatible with the purchased endoscope model.


Developer: Vault Micro, Inc.
Price: Free

More functional, unlike previous software, the application is originally designed for any external camera. It does not boast compatibility with the vast majority of devices, but it does support popular models.

After connecting the endoscope to the phone, you need to run the program and give the requested permissions. Once the picture is updated, you can start controlling the camera. Here the user has options to control the frame position, brightness, contrast of the picture, etc.

The only drawback is the large number of ads. It is present on absolutely every page. And disabling obtrusive ads is available only in the paid version of the software.

Wi-Fi View

Unknown app
Unknown app

The ideal option for working with wireless devices pleases users no less than its competitors. The first steps are no different from the previous applications: connect the endoscope according to the instructions described above, run the utility and wait for the picture to load.

Wi-Fi View allows you to change the image resolution and apply other parameters for more comfortable use of the camera. However, there are options in the list intended for different third-party devices, and they are not suitable for the endoscope specifically. Therefore, you should not rush to study all available settings and hope to use them permanently.

Working with a Chinese camera

Users often pay attention to endoscopes from the site AliExpress because of the low cost of goods. But Chinese models can be difficult to connect even using specialized software. This is due to the peculiarities of the specialists involved in the development of functions and assembly of devices.

A popular app will help you connect your Android phone to the Chinese endoscope Moqo Viwe. In order for it to work properly and use the camera for its intended purpose, you will need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Set the maximum number of megapixels in the utility settings.
  2. Set the optimal number of FPS, as well as the backlight and shooting mode.
  3. Disable the Vertical Sync option (this will help ensure smooth video capture).
  4. Activate the Reduced Contrast mode (to improve color reproduction).
  5. Deactivate the program autoloader.

Moqo Viwe has its advantages. First of all, it is worth noting that this application is completely free. it does not require further authorization and takes up little space in the memory of the device. In addition, this software is not too power-consuming, it almost does not consume battery power. The interface here is clear, and the functionality is not badly expanded. Even novice users will not have any trouble understanding the operation of this utility. Therefore, as soon as you purchase the endoscope on AliExpress, you can safely refer to it.

In some cases, Chinese cameras work with the above applications, but one hundred percent guarantee of successful synchronization developers do not give.

Solutions to popular problems

At first glance, an endoscope is a simple device. Most users purchase it with complete confidence that there will be no problems in operation. But in reality, like any device, the optional camera is capable of causing problems. If the endoscope for Android does not work, do not panic. There are several reasons and solutions for the problem. We will consider them below.


Not all modern gadgets support On The Go mode. As a solution to the problem, experts suggest connecting the camera to another device or purchasing a model with wireless connectivity.

Black spots on the screen

The cause of smudges is contamination of the camera itself. To solve the problem and prevent it later, it is recommended to wash the lens and do it every time after using the device.

The second cause of broken pixels on the screen is mechanical damage to the design. In this case, do not try to repair the tool yourself - it is better to contact the specialists of the service center.

No sound

USB endoscopes do not support audio recording. This problem applies to all models of this category. Therefore, the only solution is to buy a device that can be connected wirelessly via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

If the endoscope supports audio recording but the user cannot hear it, you should adjust the settings in the application. The best option for solving this problem is the CameraFi utility.

The endoscope is not connected to the device

In addition, experts highlight several options for solving the problem with the camera not connecting to your smartphone or tablet at all. These methods are universal and can be useful when detecting problems. So, if the endoscope does not connect to your gadget, you need to:

  • update your smartphone/tablet system;
  • Check that the USB cable is intact and undamaged;
  • install the necessary drivers;
  • make sure the device supports OTG;
  • inspect the endoscope for damage.

Among other things, it sometimes helps to eliminate problems with connecting a third-party device Android reset. However, this method proves to be effective rather rarely.

Video tutorial


Question: Which endoscope is better for a smartphone?
It is impossible to determine the leader unequivocally, but there are many worthy models on sale. Thus, the most popular models are: OT-SME03, Triton 1038, JCWHCAM, LESHP USB Endoscope and others.

Question: How do I connect my endoscope camera to my computer?
The best way to connect the camera to your PC is via USB. Additionally, you will need to install the software on your computer from the disk that comes with the endoscope. It is recommended that the rest of the steps be done according to the supplied instructions, as each device has its own characteristics and may be connected differently.

There are several options for connecting the endoscope to your Android smartphone or tablet. Here everything depends on the model of the camera, but none of the ways we have listed is particularly difficult. Therefore, the instructions given in the article are recommended for anyone who deals with an endoscope for the first time. In addition, the advice of our experts will not be superfluous for those who already have experience working with such a tool.